LUV iz… milk’n the system

LUV iz… playing at 💯

doesnt mean grindin’

your self to the ground


hustlin’ at all costs


its about rationing your fuel tank

literally budgetin’ your self

and equally investing

portions of your self/energy

across the 5 containers/streams of energy;

deposit 20% of your time and resources expanding your mind by reading books or learning something, anything new via documentaries, audiobooks, videos, etc.

deposit 20% of your time and resources into some form of physical activity… just walking and soaking in some sun will feel phenomenal …the point is to move your body vigorously enough activate your heart rate and preferably break a sweat

deposit 20% of your time and resources into increasing your financial literacy and learning how to ‘breathe’ money in and out of your life. Learn to create opportunity and not just seek opportunity.

deposit 20% of your time and resources into exploring the ‘worlds’ of the those around you. Humans are meant to connect and build commUNITY so find your tribe!

5. SPIRIT: deposit 20% of your time and resources into manifesting something that doesn’t exist (yet). Whether that means; embodying a new and improved version of your self or parking the Ferrari from your vision board in your driveway/ practice believing in the UNSEEN and proactively working towards it.

WHY invest all of this energy?!

time will pass regardless

sew every little bit counts

in time,

these fractions will help you

FEEL whole.

do the math –

by the end of the weAk

you feel like 💯 buck$

i guaranTEE it.

[ this message is brought to you BUY @communi_TEEZ ~ “EMPOWER YOUR WORLD, one commUNITY at a time” ]

LUV IZ… milk’n the system


LUV iz… the fiber of your network.

it’s a behavior pattern,

how you send and receive.

it routes you from where you are now

to where you want to be.

it’s the heart of your (hard)drive,

hard-coded on your sleeve.

it’s built into your infrastructure,

it makes your product suite.

it’s taking your rough draft

and making it smooth.

it’s how you serve clients,

it’s how you think,

how you move.

LivingUrVision™ is functioning

without having to prove

LUV iz… planting your feat

LivingUrVision™ is composting

the manure of your past

-to fertilize your future.

like an heirloom perennial,

you are seeded to fall

then spring back again.

when the dirt crops up,

take root.

take pride in how you’ve blossom’d.

nurture your nature

appreciate how much you’ve sown.

be sure to toss pests aside

when shade is thrown.

they merely serve as micronutrients

to strengthen your hardiness.

resistant to diss-ease and drought,

allow your self the space to sprout.

the sunshine, the rain,

all of it…


LivingUrVision™ is harvesting

the fruits of your labor

empower your world, one communiTEE at a time